Pinocchio at the Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater of the Republic of Belarus
After its translation into Russian, “Pinocchio” premiered on 19 December 2020 at the Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater of the Republic of Belarus in Minsk.
The orchestra was brilliantly conducted by Vladimir Ovodok while the direction was entrusted to Natalia Baranovsky.
The addition of some new music created specifically for the occasion by the composer Gloria Bruni, the creation of a suggestive scenography, the additional use of large video projections, beautiful coloured costumes, have given the project a new dimension of true “opera” without however abandoning the main objective, which remains that of bringing children closer to listening to the opera.
The show was repeated on 26th, 27th, 28th and 30th December and received a great appreciation from the large audience.

In the role of Pinocchio – Elena Shevchik
photo by Victor Drachev
- Published in on stage, Prossimamente